Where Can I Get A Covid Test In Seattle Before My Cruise?
**As we all know by now, things chance rapidly during (these DARN) Covid times. This is meant to be one resource – a place to start in finding a site in Seattle that can administer a Covid test to clear you for cruise travel. Please call to confirm information presented here and realize that test turnaround time may increase as demand increases**

Visit any cruise board or Facebook group this week and you’ll invariably see a lot of discussion about pre-cruise Covid testing. Many cruise lines are now requiring a negative test for all passengers, not just unvaccinated passengers and this has left many people with imminent cruises scrambling to find a testing location that can administer and return results within the time limit. Most lines require the test be administered 3 days or sooner prior to sailing, NOT counting the actual day you sail – so if you sail on a Friday, you can get test on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Your results must be presented at check-in either electronically or via a hard copy. At-home, self administered tests are generally NOT accepted. Some cruise lines are providing testing themselves on the day of check-in, but many are not (looking at you, Carnival!).
Since my home port is in Seattle, I’ve received a flood of messages from my cruising friends and family asking where they can get a pre-cruise test in Seattle. As such, I am compiling a list of places, prioritizing locations near downtown Seattle accessible to visitors without easy access to a car, offering testing. Again, PLEASE CALL the location prior to booking to make sure they are offering the specific type of tests accepted by your ship, to ask questions about cost and insurance coverage, and to confirm that results will be available in time.
Covid Testing Sites Near Downtown Seattle Available For Cruise Passengers
Curative at Seattle Center
Address: 201 Mercer St, Seattle, WA 98109
This testing site is at Seattle Center, where the Space Needle and many other popular Seattle attractions are located. This may be a convenient location for those who are planning on exploring this area (near downtown) anyway. If you are staying downtown, you can easily take the Monorail located on 5th Ave and Pine St. to Seattle Center (which is a fun attraction in itself).
Website: https://curative.com/sites/17571
Phone number for further information: 888-702-9042
Type of test: COVID-19 PCR Test
Self-collected swab test with 1-2 days turnaround after arrival at their labs (may be longer depending on demand – call first). Starting June 17th, 2021 all tests will be conducted with shallow nasal swabs (swab inserted approximately half an inch into the nostril).
Online booking available one week out. (As of the time of publication, there were hundreds of available appointments available most days.)
Curative at the Washington State Convention Center
Address: 705 Pike ST, Seattle, WA 98101
Website: https://curative.com/sites/23261
Phone number for further information: 888-702-9042
Type of test: COVID-19 PCR Test
Self-collected swab test with 1-2 days turnaround after arrival at their labs (may be longer depending on demand – call first). Starting June 17th, 2021 all tests will be conducted with shallow nasal swabs (swab inserted approximately half an inch into the nostril).
Online booking available one week out. (As of the time of publication, there were no appointments available.)
Carbon Health, Downtown Seattle
Address: 220 6th Ave N, Seattle WA 98109
This is located in the South Lake Union area of downtown Seattle, close to Seattle Center where the Space Needle and other popular attractions are located. This site is geared specifically for travel clearance. Cost is $165 (call to ask about insurance coverage). Open 7 days a week from 9am-7pm. Book an appointment online.
Website: https://carbonhealth.com/covid-19-travel-clearance-seattle
Phone number for further information: (206) 350-7345
What to Expect at a Carbon Health COVID-19 Travel Clearance Testing Site
- Our clinics may not look like your average doctors’ office, but they function like one. At this location, we offer COVID-19 travel clearance exams for adults and children over 3 months old.
- During your visit, you’ll receive a COVID-19 test from a Carbon Health provider. This test will determine if you are currently infected with COVID-19.
- Your COVID-19 test results will be available within 3 hours same day OR by 2pm the next day in your Carbon Health account on the Carbon Health desktop or mobile site. Turnaround times and types of tests available vary by location. Carbon Health will not share any results from your visit directly with your travel carrier.
City of Seattle, University of Washington Location (no symptoms)
Directions: Montlake Blvd NE & Walla Walla Rd, Enter the E1 Parking Lot at the intersection of Montlake Blvd NE & Walla Walla Rd and follow the signs to the entrance Seattle, WA 98105
Website: https://www.solvhealth.com/book-online/g5y8Wg
Phone number for further information: 206-477-3977
Online booking available two days out (call for additional appointment times).
This location is at the University of Washington. You will need access to a car, taxi, or ride share to get to this location.
City of Seattle, SODO Site (no symptoms)
Address: 3820 6th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108
Website: https://www.solvhealth.com/book-online/0xvwjp
Online booking available two days out (call for additional appointment times).
This location is in South Seattle. You will need access to a car, taxi, or ride share to get to this location.
CVS Minute Clinic
Website: https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing
Enter 98101 as your zip code. These four locations are all a good distance from downtown Seattle. You will need access to a car.
List of all King County Testing Locations
Website: https://kingcounty.gov/depts/health/covid-19/testing.aspx
*Check back frequently as I’ll be adding additional sites as I find them. Please also include any you find in the comments.
**Be sure to also follow Prof. Cruise on social media to keep up-to-date on all things cruising:
Just wondering if you are seeing a more Chaotic Scene at the Bell Street Pier as the Encore docked than you normally see?. With the required Covid tests and NCL’s first return. A Cruise Critic Blogger provided some excellent pictures of the Chaos at 11 AM. Loved all of your posts from your most recent cruise. Between your posts and a Cruise Critic posts, this inexperienced Cruiser is getting a good picture of what to expect on my cruise at the end of August
There was a long line of people waiting for their Covid test, that’s for sure! I’m sailing on the Encore in September, so I’ll be following closely. Be sure to report back and let me know how yours goes! Hoping every sailing will get a bit smoother as they work out all the kinks. Wishing you a fabulous cruise to Alaska!