What Does An Upside Down Pineapple Mean On A Cruise Ship Cabin Door?

I had the strangest text exchange with my husband, Mr. Cruise, this morning. He asked me to look for an insulated bag of some sort to keep frozen the takeout milkshakes he’s going to pick up on the way home from our son’s basketball practice tonight (he’s a keeper). So I root around in the coat closet and find this bag covered in upside-down pineapples:

And here’s how the text exchange went from there:
Me (it’s good it was over text or my tone would have come off as slightly accusatory): Where did this upside-down pineapple bag come from?
Mr. Cruise: Gigi [who is my mother-in-law] left it here.
Me: 😳
Mr. Cruise: What?
Me: Do you think she knows what it means?
Mr. Cruise: EYE didn’t know what it meant. I just googled it. OH GAWD! Why does Gigi have an upside-down pineapple bag? And how do YOU know what it means?
Which brings us to the following, today’s lesson:
Cruise Ship Cabin Door Decorations: A Cautionary Tale
I haven’t decorated my cabin door since my first cruise to Hawaii when I covered my door in these cute, Hawaii-themed, seemingly innocent pineapple magnets, faced in all different directions:
Well after opening my door to four different gentleman who gasped and said “never mind” upon seeing my face covered in room service chocolate cake and my kid jumping on the bed, I figured something was amiss and googled, “what does a pineapple on a cruise ship door mean?”
Remember that show, “Wife Swap” (it was Mr. Cruise’s favorite show for reasons I still can’t fathom)? Well it’s like that except instead of platonically exchanging wives with dramatically different lifestyles, you all share the same “lifestyle” which involves swapping partners for S-E-X. And I guess an upside-down pineapple on your door means you’re, I dunno, ripe and ready?
So the lesson here is that hanging upside-down pineapples on random cruise ship doors would make for an awesome prank. And with that…
Class Dismissed.
Homework (10 points): Did YOU know what an upside-down pineapple meant before reading this post? Fess up in the comments! Then go HERE for more cruise humor and satire.
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Yes I did but I had to look it up.
Yes, I know what it means (before reading your commentary). I learned it from reading posts on the various Facebook cruise pages I belong to. Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.