The Ultimate Guide To NCL’s Premium Beverage Package Promotion in 2022

In my previous life as a college professor, showing up to teach a class “three sheets to the wind” (in sticking with a ship theme) or suffering the wrath of grapes was generally frowned upon. Although having taught at a Catholic university at least they served wine at faculty socials. Because, trust me, there’s no group worse to socialize with than a bunch of academics intent on flexing their intellectual muscles – we once debated a piece of punctuation on an internal document for 45 minutes during a department meeting before I finally blurted out (stone cold sober, I might add): “I’m going to stab myself in the eye with a hot poker if we don’t move on!”
Trust me, it’s my Job
But when you’re a Prof. Cruise, rolling out the barrels is considered an essential job function. So today, in honor of Martini Monday, our lecture will cover my experience with NCL’s Premium Beverage Package promotion.
Is the Premium Beverage Package Promotion Worth it?

If you’re seeking out information about NCL’s Premium Beverage Package, it’s probably because you’ve selected it as a promotion for an upcoming cruise or you’re contemplating selecting it. Or perhaps you’ve partaken of it before and are just here for the booze porn. Either way, here’s the lowdown on the package, a link to current NCL bar menus with prices, and some “material” to get through a long week (no judgment here).
We’ve partaken of NCL’s “sort of” free Premium Beverage Package promotion on numerous NCL cruises. I say “sort of” free because there’s a mandatory service fee of $19.80 each for the first two people on the reservation per day. So for a 7 day cruise, that adds up to $138.60 per person. You’ll also pay tax on all drinks while docked in most US states and pay the difference of any drink priced over $15. Go here to see the full terms and conditions of the package.
You should also know that if you book under the “Free at Sea” promotion, the base fare of your cruise will be higher than if you book a “Sail Away” rate. Go here for an explanation of the differences between the two rates.
Just as an example, I did a mock booking for a balcony cabin for a 7 night Caribbean cruise on the Norwegian Sky for October and the price difference between the “Free at Sea” rate and the “Sail Away” rate was $284 per person.
If you don’t drink alcohol at all or aren’t a big drinker, booking under the “Free at Sea” promotion could actually end up costing you substantially more than booking a “Sail Away” rate. Consider what each rate offers (cost isn’t the only factor to consider) and your unique needs and desires and book what makes the most sense for you.
Our Experience with NCL’s Premium Beverage Package Promotion
While we don’t always book under the “Free at Sea” rate, when we do we’re determined to get our money’s worth. If you decide to opt for the Premium Beverage Package promotion, “PBP” will be printed right on your ship card and you’ll be doing this within minutes of boarding…

My son and teaching assistant “H” has always been a bit of a lush.
We’ve always experienced excellent drink service – we’ve never waited longer than 5 minutes to be served at any bar. We also enjoy ordering drinks with our meals and during evening shows. There’s been a bit of confusion over whether Irish Coffee is covered under the plan (we were never charged when we ordered it with breakfast, but when Mr. Cruise tried to order it with dessert at Ocean Blue they told him it wasn’t included), otherwise we’ve never had any problems anywhere.
NCL’s Bar Menus with Prices Updated for 2022
Before I get to my “best of” list, click on this link for 2022 NCL bar menus with drink prices so you can see what’s offered and also determine if the package is a good deal for you based on what you’re likely to drink:
NCL’s Bar Menus with Drink Prices Updated for 2022
And now, a little something to get you through your work week:
Prof. Cruise’s “Best Of” List for NCL’s Premium Beverage Package
Here’s my “best of” list. Please add your own favorites to the comments!
Overall Favorite Drinks
Lavender Martini

Cucumber and Basil Martini

Rum Cake Martini

Toasted Almond


Least Favorite Drink
Blood and Sand

AKA Mr. Cruise’s gym socks mixed with jet fuel.
Favorites Drinks with Breakfast
Greyhound, Irish Coffee (not pictured), and Bailey’s and coffee (not pictured)

Don’t judge.
Extra Credit Pro Tip: Order drip coffee and a shot of Bailey’s and combine for a spiked coffee drink covered under the Premium Beverage Package promotion.
Favorite Bar
Shakers Martini Bar
While Shakers Martini Bar isn’t offered on all NCL ships, you can still order most of these martinis on any ship.

Favorite Bartender

Typical, Prof. Cruise making her teaching assistant/kid do all the work.
Prettiest Drink

How Prof. Cruise usually orders a drink: “Oh, that’s pretty – I’ll have that!”
Best Drink to Keep you Awake for the Late Show
Espresso Martini

Or one to avoid if you want to sleep at all that night – learned that one the hard way right before a long day of travel.
Best Drink for Complaining about Men with your Girlfriends

Best Drink to Order when you’re Pretending to know French
Le Fizz

Best Drink for Morning Breath

Best Drink to Enjoy on your Balcony

Or on the waterfront or another public outdoor deck area if you’re too cheap for a balcony like Prof. Cruise often is.
Worst Drink to Attempt to Carry up Four Flights of Stairs
Apple Blossom Martini

Extra credit Pro Tip: Ask for a “to go” glass for your martini if you plan on traveling more than two inches with it.
Mystery Drink

I was too drunk and just started pointing. Bonus points for anyone who knows what it is.
Worst Adaptation
Signature Mai Tai

Mai Tai’s are supposed to taste like citrus and sugar, not cinnamon and alcohol. Trust me, order a “regular” Mai Tai.
Best Drink to Buy Your Cruise Crush
I was tired of my lady (or gent), we’d been together too long.
Like a worn out recording of a favorite song.
So if you like these:
Pina Colada

Then I’m the love that you’ve looked for, write to me and escape. On a round-the-world cruise that you’re paying for. Otherwise, don’t bother with a stamp.
Best “P” Drinks (NOT Pee Drinks)
On one NCL cruise, I challenged myself to order a drink starting with each letter of the alphabet (strictly for educational purposes – my teaching assistant/kid “H” was learning his ABC’s at the time). I couldn’t decide between these two for the letter ‘P,’ so I ordered them both:

Pisco Punch

Bonus points for the double “P!”
Best Raspberry Drink
What’s the difference between an American raspberry and a French raspberry? No, this isn’t the setup to another bad joke. I really want to know, because this martini was called:
French Raspberry

Don’t tell Mr. Cruise I ordered one of these (regardless of nationality, raspberry = Mr. Cruise’s kryptonite)
Best Drink if You’re Cheap and Lazy
When you’re both cheap (inside cabin) and lazy (my only goal is to wake up before the restaurants close for breakfast), this is the only sunrise you’ll see on your NCL cruise:
Tequila Sunrise

Best Drink for a Power Couple
When it comes to power couples, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Bert and Ernie, and George and Amal (I like Amal so much I have a dart board with her face on it), have nothing on chocolate and martini.
Chocolate Martini

Speaking of things that go well together…
There’s always a bathroom strategically located right next to the kiddie pool on NCL ships. I never see anyone using it though. As such…
Best Drink for Rebels
Rebellious Fish

Best Drinks to Get you Through a Long Work Week if You’re NOT on a Cruise
And finally, to get you through a long week of work…
Daydream (daiquiri)

of this little…
(Citrus) Gem

Extra Credit Pro Tip: Order a “Lemon Drop” if your ship doesn’t offer the Citrus Gem.
And if that doesn’t work, melt some mint chocolate chip ice cream and drink it out of a champagne flute.

Two Packing Tips if you Opt for NCL’s Premium Beverage Package
Plastic straws are no longer offered on NCL. If you don’t like paper straws, pack your own reusable straws. I love this travel set of stainless steel straws with silicone tips, but bring whatever you already have or like.
And don’t forget your “Warning I Bought the Drink Package” t-shirt!
And with that…
Class Dismissed.
Homework (10 points): Check out NCL’s 2022 Dining and Restaurant Menus. And don’t forget to follow Prof. Cruise on your favorite social media sites:
Twitter (@cruiseprof)
Instagram (@profcruise)
TikTok (profcruise)
Today’s Bonus Cruising Tip
I ALWAYS buy travel insurance (especially during Covid times) to cover my cruises, but I NEVER purchase it through a cruise line. It costs more and usually covers less than policies you purchase on your own. I go through sites like to compare plans and prices and get the best deal for the coverage I want. Spend less on insurance and spend more on excursions, special onboard cruise experiences and…future cruises!

*I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you for items and services purchased through affiliate links on my site. All funds go toward maintaining the blog. Thanks for your support!
Very funny – loads I haven’t tried but I will – no mudslide though ??
How could I have forgotten a mudslide? I’m adding it to my list for my next NCL cruise in June!