The 30 BEST Cruise Memes

I’m not sure the highlighted portion of the above title would pass a lie detector test: “BEST cruise memes? That’s a lie!” But creating dozens of cruise memes has served as a poor – but better than growing my own sourdough starter or busting a hip trying to out-dance my 7 year-old on TikTok – substitute for cruising during this extended period of quarantine in my home port of Seattle.
I’ve shared some of these already on my Facebook page and on Instagram, but many are debuting here. Feel free to laugh, cry, and share widely with your cruise loving friends.
Funny Cruise Memes

Post cruise:

Share an exciting announcement with your friends:

Life goals:

I cruise blog to cruise to cruise blog and so on. It’s a tough life. Especially…

A true friend would NEVER say this…

Those nice smelling spa ladies get me every time! Yes, I deserve to relax and be pampered, damnit!
Post this one to Facebook for the full effect:

First day of a cruise:

Last day of a cruise:

Me, right this very second:

Because I won’t be doing THIS anytime soon:

Which brings us to…
Coronavirus Related Cruise Memes

Holiday Cruise Memes
Two for Valentine’s Day:

(For Carnival cruise fans…)



New Year’s:

Inspiring Or Positive Cruise Memes

And finally…

Class Dismissed.
Homework: Be sure to follow Prof. Cruise on Facebook and Instagram for future cruise memes! Also, go here for 15 things for cruise lovers to do while staying at home.