Regal Princess Review and Trip Report

A photo of the Regal Princess with text that reads: Regal Princess Trip Report and Review.

Regal Princess: Just the Facts (sort of)

As I eagerly anticipate my cruise onboard the Regal Princess tomorrow and before I launch into my usual long-winded commentary infused with humor that generally elicits an eye roll to laugh ratio of 250/1, here are some basic facts about the Regal Princess.

The Regal Princess with text that reads: Regal Princess: Just the facts (sort of).

The Regal was the 2nd Royal class ship in the Princess fleet and embarked on her maiden voyage in 2014, making her a pre-teen in human years which hopefully equates to something else in ship years so I don’t have to listen to her ask me 5,000 times a day when I’m going to buy her a phone like the pre-teen I’m trying to escape on this solo cruise.  She has a passenger capacity of 3,560 and weighs 142,229 tons before onboarding an additional 3 tons of sugar and carbs which will transfer directly to my thighs over my 8 night sailing.  She features 4 pools and 8 hot tubs filled with varying amounts of water and pee depending on whether most schools are in session during a given itinerary (it’s spring break season right now so…hard pass).  

If you’re into avoiding elevators as a weight management technique, you’ll be cursing her 19 decks.  But if, like me, you’re into gaining as much weight as possible like you’re returning home to a sumo competition, you’ll be thrilled with her many dining options: three main dining rooms, Horizon Court buffet, International Cafe, Prego Pizzeria, Swirls ice cream bar, Trident Grill, OceanNow food delivery, room service, Alfredo’s Pizzeria, Crown Grill, Sabatini’s, Ocean Terrace Seafood Bar, Ultimate Balcony Dining, Chef’s Table, Crab Shack popup, Caymus Winemaker Dinner, and Gelato.  

Gonna stop here because now I’m starving and off to see just how spectacularly I can abandon my pre-cruise diet.  See you tomorrow from the Regal!

Greetings as I Prepare to Board the Regal Princess!

As it happens, my name is the Hebrew word meaning Princess. And to celebrate the day approximately 30 (ish, give or take 10, ok, 15) years ago that my parents first gazed upon me – screaming and red-faced with a defiant fist in the air – and wondered if they’d chosen my name poorly, I did what I always do to celebrate my birthday, I booked a cruise! On Princess! On the Regal Princess! But while my sailing date and cruise line bear some significance to me personally, the ship name does not relate at all.  Because let’s face it, I’m in no way fit for a monarch.  I’m barely dignified enough for a Carnival cruise, let alone a Princess one.  But, here we are. So does the ship herself deserve such a moniker? That’s what I’m about to find out over the next 8 days as I sail around the Western Caribbean seeking shade and cursing the world for not making SPF 800 sunscreen.  Stay tuned and chime in with any questions, tips, and non-constructive criticism (just to test how thick my skin is sporting 30 layers of Coppertone).  Here we go! 

First impression of the Regal Princess

I spent last night not sleeping on the floor of the Phoenix airport (despite the entire 6 hours I spent there being within my preferred nightly slumbering hours), due to an internal debate raging in my head regarding which element of my situation was the worst: the unidentified sticky spot under my left calf, age related lower back pain exacerbated by direct bone to polished concrete contact, or the frigid cold (it seems a reputation for scorching heat has caused local air conditioners to overcompensate).  Plus, every time I got close to quieting the voice in my head, an even more annoying voice would come over the airport communication system like, “would the gentleman who left his dentures at the security checkpoint please return to retrieve them” and I was like “gosh darnit, can’t the man just gum his breakfast eggs so I can get a few minutes of shuteye before boarding my next flight?”

Anyway, those were last night’s accommodations.  So it shouldn’t surprise you that the first thing I uttered upon boarding the Regal Princess was, “those marble floors in the Italian inspired piazza are beautiful, but I don’t have to sleep on them right?!?!”  At which point a crew member thinking, “first time cruiser and probably going to be a HANDFUL,” assured me that a small, but comfortable private cabin with a bed would be provided.  To which I replied, 

“Right, good.  Just like on my last 100 or so cruises then.”

With my mind finally settling into cruise mode, I took in more of my surroundings which were very…gold.  Princess cruise ships are known for gold accents and the gold is so sparkling clean on the Regal Princess that it almost requires special glasses, like driving into the sun, to avoid going blind from the glare. And while I’m not always a huge fan of the decor on Princess ships, the condition and cleanliness of the Regal Princess is immaculate and, even those of us who claim to prefer more contemporary design and decor despite wearing clothes older than a geriatric dinosaur, can’t deny that she’s a gorgeous ship.  Here are some photos from my initial wanderings: 

Princess Embarkation Day Lunch Menu in the MDR

I hit the main dining room (open for lunch from noon-1:30) for my first embarkation day lunch. And by first, I mean that this will be my first of several (3, 4, 5? Don’t underestimate me) lunches on this first day onboard. It’s important that I eat enough to sustain me through all the activities I have planned before dinner (a nap, and maybe unpacking a little). Here is the fleet-wide Princess embarkation day lunch menu and photos of everything I ordered.

Princess' embarkation day lunch menu

Photo 1: Tuscan style chickpea soup
Photo 2: Spinach and ricotta cheese ravioli
Photo 3: Veggie burger with fries
Photo 4: Apple tart tatin
Photo 5: Orange soufflé

Regal Princess Night 1 MDR Dinner and a Hot Tip

Breaking news! I ordered something green on a cruise! And it was delicious! (green vegetable risotto)

But that’s not the tip. Tonight’s hot tip is for those too cheap to purchase a beverage package. The rum-infused piña colada chilled soup looks and tastes like a cocktail. And if you order 10 of them, feels like a cocktail. I’m always a cheap drunk, but tonight I’m a free drunk. More like barely buzzed. But after only 3 hours of airport sleep last night, it will be sufficient to knock me out cold. That is until I have to get up to pee like 30 times because I ate 10 bowls of booze soup for dinner. 🤦‍♀️

Here’s everything I ordered (all the menus are posted HERE).

Photo 1: Rum-Infused Piña Colada Chilled Soup (x10)
Photo 2: Fettuccine Alfredo
Photo 3: Green Vegetable Risotto
Photo 4: Milky Chocolate-Hazelnut Soufflé
Photo 5: Lychee Raspberry Rose Mousse

Regal Princess MDR Breakfast Menu

Here’s the current MDR breakfast menu on Princess. I’m unimpressed, especially since my last cruise was on Holland America where I enjoyed the line’s extensive breakfast menu with a nod to breakfast favorites from around the world. But don’t worry, I’m not exactly starving over here, having already sampled the breakfast fare from room service, the buffet, and the International Cafe (all before 8am and all excellent). I’m an adaptable gal, after all.

Regal Princess Patters

I’ve been told there are several roll call groups for upcoming Regal cruises following along (Welcome! You’re all in for a treat!). I’ve posted all the daily Patters at this link, if you want an idea of the events and activities you can expect (as well as opening hours, etc).

Day 2 Breakfast at the International Cafe

Hard at work here at the International Cafe on the Regal (I work to cruise and cruise for work). At least my digestive system is working hard (like can you stop eating for two seconds woman!). Here’s a sampling of the complimentary breakfast items available. If you only get one thing (what’s wrong with you!?!?), get an almond croissant.

Birthday Snafu, Premium Cakes, and Fitness Classes

I messed up. Bad. Half way through a Pilates class at the fitness center I realized it’s my birthday today. Exercise is NOT appropriate on any cruise day really, but on my birthday?!?! I powered through to the end then b-lined it to the International Cafe for a slice of premium red velvet cake ($5 per slice for those of us without Plus or Premier – they also have chocolate and black forest). There, fixed it!

For those crazy enough to wonder, the fitness classes are $30 (plus 18% gratuity) each without a package (you get two free with Plus and unlimited with Premier). They are not worth the a la carte price IMO both because it’s paying for exercise, but also because the classes are short (Pilates was 30 minutes) and super basic (we spent half the class in child’s pose or stretching – I probably only burned 20 of the 20,000 calories I’ve eaten so far today).

OceanNow Food Delivery on the Regal Princess

For the lazy among us (no shame, you’re on vacation), I have posted all the updated Princess OceanNow food delivery menus here as well as some information about how OceanNow works.

Secret Spot on Deck 7

Top secret tip for those too cheap to book a balcony cabin on the Regal. There are these lovely areas all the way aft on the outdoor promenade deck (deck 7) on both the port and starboard sides of the ship (but note the one on the starboard side is near a smoking section, so avoid that side if you don’t like the smell of smoke). They are close to the water, never crowded, and you can pose with a drink and post to Insta with caption, “just chillin with a cocktail on my balcony” and all your friends back home will think you’re way swankier than you really are (I’m asking for your discretion here people – I may still have one or two friends of friends of friends’s aunt’s cousin on my personal Insta page who think I’m cool enough to sip a cocktail on my private balcony).

For those who aren’t too cheap to book a balcony cabin and loooooove complaining to guest services, be sure to book on the starboard side aft if you’re sensitive to the smell of cigarette smoke (especially decks further down, close to deck 7). You can even pretend I didn’t warn you: “IF I HAD KNOWN THIS BEFORE I BOOKED…”

Night 2 Dinner in the MDR

See photos of everything I ordered via this Facebook post:

Regal Princess Room Service Breakfast Card

Cheap? Lazy? Same, friend! Enter, Princess’s room service breakfast card. Breakfast delivered right to your door and free for all! And because I like to be difficult sometimes, just so people stop mistaking me for a saint, I even ordered an “off menu” item (soy milk) and requested a modification to another item (hold the meat on the breakfast sandwich) and both were accommodated. I was also told you can request items from the International Cafe (just write them on the card), but I didn’t try it to verify. Please post to the comments if that has worked for you!

Night 3 Dinner in the MDR on the Regal Princess

Tonight’s dinner in the MDR offered a record number of vegetarian starters, but only one contained booze. So while my table neighbors (who, I should mention, have been so lovely and fun) dutifully studied their menus, I gave my finger whiplash and a compound fracture by forcefully pointing to the bellini soup like it was the last roll of toilet paper on earth.

But I’ll have you know I did not order the tiramisu even though I was tempted to see just how thoroughly I could further f up my sleep schedule. (For those new to my weird quirks, I have a caffeine sensitivity that turns me into the equivalent of 45 toddler monkeys jumping on a bed after consuming ladyfingers even contemplating a quick espresso bath.)

Anyway, here’s everything I ordered (you can see all the dinner menus I collected HERE):

Photo 1: Iced Peach Bellini Soup
Photo 2: Wild Mushroom Lasagna
Photo 3: Gianduja Soufflé
Photo 4: Pear Flambe
Photo 5: Bonus pasta dish because my waiter was concerned I hadn’t been properly carb-ed (clearly he knows the way to my heart…and a big tip)

Country Singer Hannah Ellis and Princess’s Partnership with the Academy of Country Music

Tonight’s entertainment in the main theater exposed me as a liar. For the past 30+ years I’ve answered the question “what kind of music do you like” with “everything but country and video game music.” Thanks to Princess’s partnership with the Academy of Country Music bringing Hannah Ellis onboard, I can unequivocally say I like country music (at least when she writes and sings it). I still want to stab myself in the eye with a hot poker when the video games come on though. No Princess partnership with PlayStation is going to change my mind on that one.

SeaWalk on the Regal Princess

Three reasons to venture out onto the SeaWalk:

(1) For the sweeping views above, below, and around you.

(2) To help your travel companion, terrified of heights, conquer their fear with a bit of exposure therapy. I’ve found that coaxing them with a soft serve cone from Swirl (located right next to the SeaWalk) really helps! Or you can head to the SeaView bar on the other side (where a second SeaWalk is located) for a bit of liquid courage.

(3) Lay down on the SeaWalk and pretend you’re a bird. People will point at you and it’s possible security will be called if you stay there too long (#lessonlearned), but do it anyway if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a seabird (spoiler alert: it’s pretty great!). Then grab some buffet desserts to remind yourself that it’s pretty great to be a human too.

Lunch at Alfredo’s on the Regal Princess

While this sit-down Italian restaurant is one of my favorite fast-casual restaurants at sea, if you’re looking for something more specific in terms of wisdom to impart, skip the pizza (which is still very good if you decide to ignore me) and order a calzone. There’s one listed on the menu, but you can also have one customized with any ingredient available (or have it prepared vegetarian which is what I always do). All my celebrity crushes are jealous of this calzone because I dream about it more often than them. Plus it’s way buffer – look at the biceps on that thing! And they’re filled with cheese!

If you’re limiting yourself to one dessert at Alfredo’s (or in general…but I’m not sure I even want to contemplate that), get the apple torte. Trust me. If they placed one of these in front of me and were like, “if you don’t eat this in 30 minutes, we’ll give you a free cruise” (kind of like the Stanford marshmallow experiment they used to do with kids in the 70’s, but adjusted for an adult with higher stakes), I’d still eat it in three seconds. Shrug. It’s that good.

While it’s disappointing that Alfredo’s is no longer complimentary without either the “Plus” or “Premier” packages, it’s a worthy use of any onboard credit fellow “Standard” package cruisers may have. Here’s what I ordered followed by a link to the current menu on the Regal Princess.

No Wraparound Promenade Deck on the Regal Princess

No one likes going for a peaceful afternoon walk on the outdoor promenade deck only to slam into a wall mid way around because they were distracted by a whale that turned out to be a log (true story). While the outdoor promenade deck on the Regal does have some nice areas to sit and gaze out at the water, it does not wrap all the way around the ship. I guess you can use that as another excuse not to exercise though. *shrug*

Buffet Dinner Options on the Regal Princess

Movies Under the Stars on the Regal Princess

One of my favorite evening activities on Princess cruises is to curl up in a warm blanket (provided) on a padded lounger (special pads are added to loungers for the movies) with some (free) popcorn and buffet snacks to watch a movie on a large screen under the stars. You can even use the Medallion App to order drinks to be delivered right to your lounger! There’s an early (6:30 start) and late (9ish start) showing each night. I highly recommend you try this at least once!

Gelato on the Regal Princess

I checked my onboard account this morning to see how much onboard credit I have left and had to laugh because nearly all the charges are for gelato and cake. No spa, no casino, no bingo, no art, no souvenirs, no drinks. Just…gelato. And…cake.

I found it interesting that the premium desserts (that are listed as included with the Plus and Premier packages) are priced at $17 and are really no better than the normal gelato sundaes priced at $4. Actually they’re worse because they only come with vanilla gelato and can’t be customized. They do come in a cup covered in hardened chocolate and candy, but you can’t even eat it – it’s just for decoration. This really feels like a marketing gimic to me. Like, “hey you’re getting fancy $17 desserts with these packages.” In any case, the gelato is fabulous and I’m making my way through all the flavors and toppings $2-$4 at a time with my “standard” package. Here are a few pics of my creations so far. For note, those with Plus and Premier have had mixed success at ordering from the regular gelato menu and having it included in their package. Be sure to ask!

Night 5 Dinner in the MDR on the Regal Princess

I ordered the classic Caesar salad tonight (with added kale and chickpea croutons) because I felt sorry for it. It may not be the sexiest dish, but it’s reliable, showing up on the menu every single night. This reminds me of anytime anyone asks my husband why he married me and he tells the story of how I drove to his duplex in Pittsburgh during a bad snowstorm to bring him over to my place for company. Some bull crap about how he can count on me in a crisis. How lame is that? Nothing about my striking good looks, brilliance, sense of humor? Nah, I’m “reliable.” Me and the Caesar salad. Anyway, here’s everything I ordered. (All the dinner menus from the Regal Princess are posted HERE)

Photo 1: Classic Caesar Salad
Photo 2: Oven-Baked Vegetable Tart
Photo 3: Chocolate Tarte
Photo 4: Iced Cointreau Soufflé

Production Show on the Regal Princess: Fiera

Last night’s carnival-themed production show “Fiera” seemed an odd choice for a cruise ship full of fogies trying to avoid all elements of a carnival atmosphere by booking Princess. And yet, it was a packed house (seriously, get to shows at least 30 minutes early to get *any* seat let alone a good seat) with a receptive, even enthusiastic audience.

While Princess production shows are always a little light on plot and short (this one clocked in at about 40 minutes), it was well performed and entertaining with outstanding set design and costuming. I rate it 8/10 or “definitely see.”

Trident Grill on the Regal Princess

I skipped dinner in the MDR tonight in favor of the Trident Grill (complimentary burger joint near the main Lido pool) because of my fear of goats. It’s not their demonic rectangular shaped pupils or that they jump all over my s**t like a caffeinated toddler. No, it’s their cheese. Anyway, the veggie burger and fries have both improved a lot since my last Princess cruise. The former bland patty is now Beyond meat and the fries were hot and crispy. And the optional cheese? Cow, as it should be!

Kids Programming on the Regal Princess

Artist Jana Lynch

This morning I had the privilege of meeting artist Jana Lynch. She was kind enough to gift me one of her gorgeous hand painted ducks for my birthday and invited me to take her class this afternoon. I also learned about her efforts to bring donated art kits to crew members who are working on ships in various capacities, but are artists at heart. One of my favorite things about cruising is meeting wonderful humans from all over the world and Jana is among the best. Be sure to follow her on Facebook and check out her website.

OceanNow Beverage Delivery Menus on the Regal Princess

Here are the current OceanNow beverage delivery menus. I gave myself carpal tunnel updating all of these on my phone, but it’s nothing 3 or 4 or 6 martinis (I mean look at the amazing selection of martinis – how can I not try them all?) delivered to my table at the International Cafe can’t fix.

Self Service Laundry on the Regal Princess

I know you’re all wondering why it’s taken me so long to report on everyone’s favorite cruise activity: laundry. Ha!

But seriously, while no one relishes doing laundry on vacation, self service laundry rooms serve an important function, but are increasingly rare on cruise ships. I’m a minimalist in all areas of my life except for carby and sugar-laden foods and prefer to pack only the essentials. In fact, I pack so light I drew the attention of a couple of fellow cruisers as we waited for the bus after disembarking from my last Princess cruise. The wife sent her husband over to ask me if I worked on the ship in some capacity (like maybe I just hopped on for a day or two to perform some specific function), because they couldn’t believe I packed 7 nights worth of stuff in my tiny bag.

Anyway, having self service laundry allows one to pack much lighter, as you don’t have to wait a day or more for your laundry to be returned like for full-service laundry. Plus it’s way cheaper! On the Regal it’s priced at $3 per wash or dry cycle and $1.50 for vended products.

Night 7 Dinner in the MDR on the Regal Princess (Formal Night)

Headline: Whole dining room gasps in horror as Prof Cruise orders tofu on lobster night.

So why does my first shot feature the lobster? Because my little dining room section of four two tops bonded so fast and hard that we felt comfortable asking to photograph each other’s food. Now mind you no one asked for a shot of my tofu, but my chantilly swan will definitely be making an appearance at the senior center in Wichita, Kansas: Check out this dessert our weird new hippy friend from Seattle ordered! (Go HERE to see the menu.)

Photo 1: Land & sea
Photo 2: Chocolate Pistachio Dome-with Almond and Pistachio Nougatine
Photo 3: Chantilly swan
Photo 4: Crispy Fried Tofu
Photo 5: Mushroom and Zucchini Mascarpone Crêpes

Duck Painting Class

Today’s duck painting class, so kindly offered for free by artist extraordinaire Jana Lynch, was so much fun! What a talented and inspirational human. She’ll be on the Grand Princess to Hawaii next for anyone lucky enough to be onboard.

Guest Entertainer Ashlie Amber

Ashlie Amber performed a Whitney Houston tribute concert and her closing number, “I Will Always Love You” is going to be hard to top at Karaoke tonight (of course she had to close with *my* karaoke song), but I think I got this (picture my nose growing longer). Anyway, she was outstanding. If you’re lucky enough to have her onboard, don’t miss her show!

Opening Hours on the Regal Princess

As someone who acts far older than her age (even when I’m not lying about it), I really appreciated the opening hours, especially dining hours, on the Regal. While I prefer to eat dinner at 4:30pm and generally arrive at the Sizzler just prior to the retirement home busses, so I can beat them to the salad bar, the dining rooms on the Regal opened for dinner reasonably early, at 5pm, which gave me time to eat and hit a show before retiring by 9pm. And the Horizon Cafe (buffet) opens at 5am for breakfast, the earliest I’ve experienced on any ship. Even though I’d been in blissful cruise ship slumber (seriously, I never sleep better than on a cruise ship) for hours so I never verified this, the schedule indicates that the buffet also stays open until 11pm. AND the buffet stays open continually from 5am-10pm, with no full closures during the day while it transitions from breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner. That’s a rarity on cruise ships these days and access to food at all hours of the day and night is VERY important to me (lol).

Pools on the Regal Princess

While my swimming style is the opposite of graceful and causes regular attempted rescues, “FALSE ALARM, that’s just the way she swims!,” and I don’t actually swim laps on cruises that often, I like having the option to do so and love the two large, rectangle-shaped outdoor pools, suitable for swimming laps, on the Regal Princess. Quite a few people use them to get their laps in each morning, though none of them flail around like a beached sea creature violently fending off certain death. One is located on the Lido and open to everyone and one is located in the complimentary adults only Retreat area. There are also two additional small circular pools, one next to the main Lido pool and one aft offering spectacular views from the back of the ship.

Gym on the Regal Princess

Absolutely no one: Tell me about the gym on the Regal Princess!

Me: After years of cruising, I’ve developed some weird rituals. One of them is a daily early morning gym visit where I sit on a bike and binge Netflix on my iPad while I pedal at a pace so slow as to launch my “smart” watch into a full on identity crisis: “Turns out I’m not smart AT ALL! I thought she was still sound asleep until she sprinted to the buffet as soon as it opened at 6.” Anyway, I use my daily 4:45am gym visit to justify a full day of cruise eating to come: “Yes, I really want every dessert on the menu! I’ll have you know I burned 15 calories at the gym this morning!”

Anyway, the gym on the Regal Princess, while I’ll never admit to loving any gym, checks off all my boxes. It’s open 24 hours, has spin bikes available to use outside of paid spin classes (there are two Les Mills spin bikes, similar to Peloton bikes, available in the main gym area), and a locker room with showers. It’s also large and well equipped and offers a variety of fitness classes ($30 for Standard guests/2 included for free for Plus guests/unlimited included for free for Premier guests). Here’s a complete tour:

Secret Game Room on the Regal Princess

Do you like playing games? No, not the relationship sabotaging kind. This isn’t a dating app. Like, board games and cards on a cruise. If so and if you’re booked on the Regal, here’s a tip. The Symphony Dining Room on deck 5 is open during the day and stocked with games and decks of cards. It’s never crowded and is also a great place to “work” if you need a table.

Cake Extravaganza on the Regal Princess

Oops. Hand to God I had JUST purchased a slice of premium chocolate cake before learning it was “Cake Extravaganza” day at the buffet. And THEN they had the vanilla rice pudding at the Pastry Shop (regular dessert area of the buffet). So my little afternoon snack ended up looking like this. I had to balance out all the dessert with a plate of prepared salads which I held over my desserts so if I ran into anyone I knew on the way back to my cabin, they’d think I was all healthy. I have so say though, even though it’s almost sacrilegious to use “salad” and “fabulous” in the same sentence, the prepared buffet salads have been fabulous with many ingredients I love, but rarely use for salads at home because they’re kind of expensive (pomegranate seeds, feta, pepitas, avocado, dates, etc).

So much for saving my appetite for the Italian restaurant tonight.

Fountain on the Regal Princess

Like the Bellagio, but you can play in it without getting arrested (of all the ways to get arrested in Vegas, I always thought that one sounded like the most fun). There have been a few evening fountain shows, but I haven’t caught one yet. Last one is tonight at 9. Will I still be awake? Taking bets.

Dinner at Sabatini’s on the Regal Princess

Sure, this dinner incurred a $45 (+18% automatic gratuity) up charge, but I paid for it with onboard credit and ate $45 in garlic alone.

Highlights of my 7 course meal included…everything…EXCEPT the breadstick that topped my soup. Due to my overeagerness for extra, unexpected carbs, I forcefully hurled that thing toward my mouth without proper inspection resulting in a mess far beyond the scope of the “scraper of shame.” The breadstick was crunchy, clearly meant for a swim in my soup, and covered in finely chopped greens that didn’t improve my cruise hair (don’t care) or the lovely updo of a women at a neighboring table.

Anyway, the meal was fabulous, but consider yourself warned about the breadstick. Here’s everything I ordered followed by a link to the current menu.

Photo 1: Ribollita
Photo 2: Parmigiana di Melanzane
Photo 3: Porcini Mushroom Risotto
Photo 4: Arancini al Tartufo
Photo 5: Burrata Caprese
Photo 6: Specialità dello Chef
Photo 7: Bread service

Links to all the Bar Menus

Here are links to my Facebook page (while you’re there, be sure to follow me) where I posted all the bar menus I collected:

Regal Princess Coffee Bar Menu

Good Spirits at Sea Bar Menu

Regal Princess Pool Bar Menu

Bellinis Bar Menu

Crooner’s Bar Menu

Regal Princess Standard Bar Menu

Conclusion: Would I Sail on the Regal Princess Again?

So, did the Regal Princess live up to her name? Yes! Absolutely yes! Even though this “dowdy” Princess slightly degraded her reputation as soon as I stepped onboard, with her grand stature and captivating beauty, one word most accurately captures this ship: Regal. AND she delivered one of my favorite cruises ever, leaving me eager and excited to book a future sailing on the Regal Princess and to enthusiastically recommend her to others. Or, maybe I’ll just refuse to disembark and see what happens…

And with that…

Class Dismissed!

Homework (10 points): Share to the comments any questions about or experiences with the Regal Princess.

Today’s Bonus Cruising Tip

I always buy travel insurance to cover my cruises, but I never purchase it through Princess. It costs more and usually covers far less than policies you purchase on your own. I go through sites like* to compare plans and prices and get the best deal for the coverage I want. It’s a simple process – enter your travel dates, total travel costs (including air, hotel, and cruise fare), and answer a few basic questions about yourself and see a list of quotes for plans with reviews. Spend less on insurance and spend more on excursions, special onboard cruise experiences and…future cruises!

Don’t forget to follow Prof. Cruise (@profcruise) on your favorite social media sites:


Instagram (@profcruise)



*I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you for items and services purchased through affiliate links on my site. All funds go toward maintaining the blog. Thanks for your support!

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