What Will I Eat If I Get Quarantined On A Cruise Ship?

With the new CDC advisory issued on December 30th discouraging cruise travel, even for those fully vaccinated, and with reports of positive cases onboard most cruise ships, many cruise lovers are wondering what the implications of all this are for their immediate and future cruise plans.
I’m currently onboard Holland America’s ms Zuiderdam. A few days ago the Captain announced positive Covid cases among both crew and passengers and one of our port stops in Mexico was cancelled by local authorities. We’ve also seen hazmat-suited crew members at the doors of three of our neighbors on deck 8.
While I don’t have any immediate plans to cancel any of my booked cruises (the next one sailing in just a few weeks), I do wonder what life is like for passengers who are quarantined to their staterooms. Specifically, I wonder what they’re eating in there! Is it like those scenes of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman ordering everything off the room service menu at the Beverly Wilshire or is it more like an elementary school lunch tray during a supply chain crisis?
What Will I Eat If I Get Quarantined On A Cruise Ship?
I asked this question of my room steward who was kind enough to share yesterday’s menu with me:

I was surprised with how limited the menus are and upgraded to KN95 masks for the remainder of my sailing. Not today Covid, not today! Because it doesn’t even count as a cruise for me unless I’m consuming upwards of 40,000 calories a day with bread pudding oozing out of my pours as I disembark (a skin condition with the scientific name acne cruise-aris).
To Cancel Or Not To Cancel, THAT Is The Question
Note that quarantine menus and dining procedures will vary depending on the cruise line and ship you’re sailing on (please post in the comments any other menus you’ve seen or experiences you’ve had with this!). But these menus give you an idea of what you might be faced with if you test positive for Covid on your cruise and get quarantined to your cabin. Is this enough to convince me to cancel a cruise? No. But it’s one of many factors to consider in making that decision.
And with that…
Class Dismissed.
Homework (10 points): Answer this question in the comments: Have the new CDC recommendations against cruising caused you to cancel or reconsider booking a cruise? Why or why not? And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog and follow Prof. Cruise on social media:
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In answer to the “homework”, no; not planning on cancelling our next cruise and not discouraged from cruising. Cruise #34 will be to the Mexican Riviera on board the Carnival Panoroma (same cruise in October 2021). Couldn’t resist the price. Not impressed with the Panoroma (incredibally ugly center spiral and digital elevators to start) but it is crusing.
Love your blog; so entertaining. Glad I don’t live in Seattle (nasty weather, crowded, no parking) nice place to visit and leave for a cruise. Don’t tell anyone about Arizona…they keep moving here. Stay afloat…hasta!
We’ve loved our time in Mexico. Enjoy your Riviera cruise!!! We had snow in Seattle this week – I was definitely happy to be in Mexico. And I hear Arizona is pretty nice this time of year, but I’ll keep that on the down-low (luckily no one really reads my blog…lol!).
Nope! Not canceling. Leaving 1.6.22 Ruby Princess. 4 more the rest of the year after that. The only way we don’t go is if we are barred at the ramp.
Only 1 week to go! I’m so excited for you – have an amazing cruise! With 4 more booked? You’re clearly living right!
Hey teach!
We love HAL! It’s been about three years since our last cruise, previously cruising once per year. We have been tempted but don’t plan on cruising in 2022 🙁 All the cruise emails and postcards are fun to look at and dream!
We dearly miss the HAL ships and staff and dream to get on another someday. Enjoy your time and we look forward to your reviews.
Hello, fellow HAL lover! I hope 2023 will be your year and that dreaming and reading about cruising will tide you over in the meantime!
Were on 21day holiday cruise on Rotterdam . no issues..getting ready to go on Zuiderdam for 59 days. So no cancellation for us. I’m just worried about testing positive before we leave
21 days on the Rotterdam and then 59 days on the Zuiderdam? You’re clearly living right! High five and fingers crossed for a negative Covid test!