NEW Princess “Casual Dining” Menus

In July 2023, Princess announced some major (and overwhelmingly unpopular, if the barrage of angry messages I’ve received via my website and social media channels is any indication) changes to the fleet’s dining options as well as to what’s included in “Princess Standard,” “Princess Plus,” and “Princess Premier.” You can read more detail about all the changes HERE. For this post, let’s talk specifically about the new “casual dining” concept on Princess and take a look at the new menus and pricing options.
What is “Casual Dining” on Princess?
Beginning on a rolling basis on August 2, 2023, guests with “Princess Plus” and “Princess Premier” packages will have new prix fixe casual meal options in their ship’s casual dining restaurants included for no extra charge. Those with “Plus” will receive two included “casual dining” meals per sailing and those with “Premier” will receive unlimited “casual dining” meals. Those guests with “Princess Standard” will pay $14.99 for the prix fixe “casual dining” meals or à la carte prices. “Plus” guests will also pay $14.99 or à la carte prices after their first two meals. Restaurants serving the new “casual dining” meals include: Alfredo’s, GiGi’s, Kai Sushi, Ocean Terrace, O’Malleys, Planks, Salty Dog Pub, Steamers, and Vines.
Alfredo’s and GiGi’s pizza restaurants are no longer included at no extra charge for “Princess Standard” guests
One of the most upsetting changes for many who normally book “Princess Standard” is that Princess’s wildly popular sit-down pizza restaurants (called “Alfredo’s” on some ships and “Gigi’s” on others) will no longer be included at no extra charge. “Princess Plus” guests will also pay to eat at Alfredo’s/Gigi’s after their first two included “causal dining” meals.
What dining options remain complimentary for all guests on Princess?
All guests, regardless of package purchased, can still dine at the buffet, International Cafe, poolside pizza stand and grill, and main dining rooms at no extra cost (with the exception of some “upcharge” items).
Princess’s New Casual Dining Menus
Here are the new casual dining menus. I have noted which specific ships these menus will be available on and what’s included in the $14.99 “prix fixe” option (complimentary for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always complimentary for “Premier” guests). Kids under 12 can order from the casual dining menus for 50% off.
INDEX (jump to):
Alfredo’s menu
Alfredo’s reduced menu
GiGi’s menu
Kai Sushi’s menu
Ocean Terrace menu
O’Malley’s menu
Planks menu
Salty Dog Gastropub menu
Steamers menu
Alfredo’s new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Alfredo’s is available on the Majestic Princess, Regal Princess, Royal Princess, Sky Princess, Star Princess, and Sun Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one appetizer, one pizza or pasta, and one dessert.

Alfredo’s reduced “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
This reduced Alfredo’s menu is available on the following ships: Coral Princess, Grand Princess, Island Princess and Sapphire Princess. On the Coral Princess and Island Princess, it’s only offered for lunch on sea days in Sabatini’s. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one appetizer, one pizza, and one dessert.

GiGi’s new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
GiGi’s is available on the Discovery Princess and Enchanted Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one appetizer, one pizza or pasta, and one dessert.

Kai Sushi’s new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Kai Sushi is available on the Diamond Princess, Star Princess, and Sun Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one appetizer, one nigiri sushi, one sashimi, one maki roll, and one dessert.

O’Malley’s new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
O’Malley’s is available on the Enchanted Princess, Star Princess, and Sun Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one Starter, one Main, and one After.

Ocean Terrace’s new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Ocean Terrace is available on the Discovery Princess, Enchanted Princess, Regal Princess, Royal Princess, and Sky Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one appetizer, one nigiri or sashimi, and two maki rolls. *Ocean Terrace is also on the Majestic Princess, but does not serve food.

Planks new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Planks is available on the Caribbean Princess and Emerald Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one starter, one Plank, and one dessert.

Salty Dog Gastropub’s new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Salty Dog Gastropub is available on the Crown Princess, Discovery Princess, Emerald Princess, and Ruby Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes two Salty Dog Plates and one dessert.

Steamers new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Steamers is available on the Caribbean Princess and Emerald Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one starter, one Steamer or Seafood Platter, and one Dessert.

Vines new “casual dining” prix fixe and à la carte menu
Vines is available on the Caribbean Princess, Crown Princess, Emerald Princess, Grand Princess, Majestic Princess, Regal Princess, Royal Princess, Ruby Princess, Sapphire Princess, and Sky Princess. The $14.99 cover charge (waved for “Plus” guests for their first two “casual dining” meals and always for “Premier” guests) includes one Crudités, one Charcuterie Board, and one Chocolate Truffes.

And with that…
Class Dismissed!
Homework (10 points): What do you think of this new “casual dining” concept and these new menus on Princess? Share your thoughts to the comments!
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The only thing I’m mad about it the sapphire having a limited Alfredo menu! Like why?? The one pizza I wanted is excluded.
Interesting just how Princess, and other cruises companies mention how special their guests are to them, well that’s a total load of rubbish! Their PR and their various company departments have ensured that most guests come off the worst. Like Princess, most other cruise companies are rapidly turning cruising into an Elitist form of travel as they are producing the “haves and have nots” type of guest.
What, you just expect everything for free. How selfish. They are in the business of making money while providing excellent service. I have sailed with many companies and Princess is my favorite. Always the nicest employees around. Damn, suck it up or just sail basic.
I loved having a sit down pizza at Alfredo’s on Sky Princess but as a Standard passenger, that is no longer free. Not sure I will pay $12 for one given that I can go get multiple slices by the pool for free!
I agree with regard to the price. But for me, the Lido deck pizza doesn’t even come remotely close to Alfredo’s pizza!
Places like Salty Dog and Steamers were closed on Enchanted Princess just a few weeks ago. When these new prices and options go into effect in a few weeks, will they reopen?
Not real impressed with the offerings. Not into sushi, Streamers doesn’t do much for me, Planks, might give it a try, (will be interesting since Planks & Streamers are both at back of buffet on how they divide it, hope they have a lot more servers to over these areas as Caribbean was short staffed in July), Gastro Pub ate in there maybe a year ago & very tasty, was not impressed on the Royal when we ate at Alfredo’s, better at Slices. Just another come on, as elite, we’ve lost free wi-fi, the nice little amenities we used to get in our cabin, nobody gets chocolate on their pillow at night, selectional for our mini bar set-up is limited on type of liquor available. Since Covid we have done the + package on 6 cruises however, I have yet to have a specialty dessert, go to a fitness class or even come close to 15 drinks a day. I liked the speciality coffees (all other coffee is terrible, even the MDR), bottled water, wine if they had the one I liked. One time they have it next time they don’t.
Now without a package you pay to ship your medallion, pay to activate Ocean Now(good luck, I always have a problem with it so just get up & go get what I want) & pay for room service. Used it twice in July because hubby was sick.
Wish I knew policy, if I tip my cabin steward in cash, does he have to share? If I have a good waiter in MDR will tip him or her at end of cruise.
Enough said!
Can you explain what you get with the old Plus package (before 3rd Aug) We paid for that one when we booked last year but now we aren’t sure what we can have
Sorry but I have had an email today from princess. We have been booked on the original plus package for ages and if we want the new extras on the new plus package we have to pay the £10 a day difference from 40 to 50 a day. For our 12 day cruise that’s another £240 to find if we want the 2 pizza meals fitness classes room service and other new extras. Con!!!
+ beverage package, 2 premium desserts per day, medallionnet 1-Device Wifi, crew appreciation, 2 fitness classes.
It already included Ocean Now delivery service, didn’t pay for room service & my understanding anybody can have green lane embarkation if you have your medallion & have completed all info. We’ve been basically that since we went back to cruising. To me it seems they just added 2casual dining.
Hope this answers your question.
You have to pay the difference between the old and new plus package else you stick with the original benefits, Wi-Fi, tips & std drinks.
I don’t like to be “nickel and dimed”. For goodness sake, Princess, just raise your prices and give us the choices. I continue to see Crown Grill and Sabatini as legitimate add-ones but for heaven sake cut out the so-called ‘casual dining’ fees.
Many, many, MANY people agree with you!
I’m one of them! I’d rather just pay up front an extra $50/pp and have stuff like pizza be free.
Hi: John Padgett, President Princess maybe a great I.T. guy but it is obvious he has no experience in the “hospitality” business! The “casual” dining changes are just a thorn in the side of frequent, loyal guests ,who hate this nickel and dime experiment in how to piss off good customers. I was Corp. V.P. in perhaps the worlds best know hotel company and one rule is never change the terms of a booking after it has been paid for and never do anything that might upset the loyal frequent guest, they are your bread and butter. So by making this simple change he has managed to break both rules, time to get somebody at the top who really understands the hospitality business before we all cancel.
You don’t get everything for free in life.
Pay for the plus package, get most drinks free, free WI FI, and the new charges in the semi specialist restaurants, etc.
Otherwise pay a standard fare and choose how to spend what you save, on what you want.
We hear daily that food prices have gone up dramatically, Princess are not immune from those rises.
Try eating out in a decent restaurant near home, I think you will find it a lot cheaper and probably much better quality on your cruise.
Thanks for the information. I am a Princess Elite cruiser. I was unable to find information about the casual restaurants on the website. I agree with the other comments. Standard, Plus and Premier seem like a way to nickel and dime customers. Disturbed that room service is no longer complimentary. In any event, now that I see what is included on the casual dining menus, I think I will stick with standard and pay if I decide to go to one of the casual restaurants. Thanks again for the information. I really appreciate it.
Does not feel like I’m on a cruise. More like in my Atlanta area neighborhood. Not a vacation. My first Princess cruise in 20 years is coming up. Could be my last with all this petty upcharges.
Stop the whining. There are still plenty of places where you can have free “casual dining”. Intl. Cafe, Buffet, Grill and pizza by the pool etc. and of course the MDR’s. What’s all the fuss about Alfredo’s? The pizza was never that great there anyway – its basically junk food. if you really want pizza go up to the pool deck and grab a slice for free. Get the plus fare – it includes so much now and you only need to have 3 or 4 alcoholic drinks per day to break even based the cost of the individual included items. if you want to be nickel and dimed, go for the Standard fare and pay as you go for all the extras you want – you’ll probably end up paying more than the plus fare when all is said and done!
Thank you Prof. Cruise for putting together this excellent information. It brings a lot of clarity to a topic that so many people get really confused about.
Thank you for this menu compilation. This is the most comprehensive listing of menus that I have found on the web and it really really helps!
Two casual dining meals “per sailing?” Regardless of whether the cruise is a week, two weeks, or a month? This is a serious question as we’re looking at a month-long cruise. I can’t find anything on the Princess website or press releases that says anything other than two per cruise.
My 61st cruise is coming up (18th Princess) and your list is good to know because things are changing ever so often. As of the past 3 years I have often wondered how the cruise lines can afford the price of meat and food and still maintain the quality and quantity. I would rather have everything paid for before I go and not have to ruin my cruise watching the daily accounting of my bill. It is much more relaxing that way. It is getting a little crazy with the three catagories and what is attached to each one. On my last cruise the deluxe dessert was suppose to be included in my plus fare, but no one on the ship realized it and we never got the special dessert (no big miss). I will still go to Alfredo’s because the pizza is better because you can order it the way you want it.