NCL Sun Picture Window Oceanview Cabin Tour and Review

While I’m not known for brevity, I’m going to keep this one short. Why? When it seems like I love droning on about cruises almost as much as sailing on them (NOT TRUE, for the record – if you take me on all your cruises with you, I promise never to write about them again)? Because this was my second time on the Norwegian Sun in just a few weeks and almost everything I want to say about this oceanview cabin, I’ve already said about my prior inside cabin. So to avoid sounding like educational programing for toddlers (i.e. excruciating repetitive), I’ll just highlight the things that were unique about my oceanview cabin and refer you to my prior review, equal parts lengthy, charming, and helpful (I’m comfortable guaranteeing only one of those three adjectives). Here’s the prior review:
Three weeks and a baker’s dozen eye rolls later (I used to teach college students – I’m immune to not-so-subtle gestures of annoyance), let’s move on to my oceanview cabin.
First, note that there are three types of oceanview cabins on the Norwegian Sun: large porthole oceanview cabins, obstructed oceanview cabins, and picture window oceanview cabins. Mine was a picture window oceanview cabin (category OA) located on deck 7 forward. Here’s a tour:
Like my prior interior cabin on the Sun, I loved the contemporary decor in shades of blue and gray, the USB outlets on either side of the bed, the mini-fridge, and the flat screen TV.
And I still didn’t love the institutional looking all-white bathroom and “hair dryer.”

I wore a bright colored shirt every time I had to pee because I was afraid I might blend in so well with my surroundings (I come in a similar shade of white) that I might just become part of the walls. Either that or get sucked into the abyss by that alien-looking contraption on the wall (I figured a distinct shirt might make it easier for my mom to describe me to ship security: “She was wearing a red shirt and a look of terror.”). For better or worse, I stopped fearing the hair dryer after my first use, noting that it was as weak as the prior one and feeling thankful for packing my own this time.
But there were a few things that made this cabin distinct from my prior interior one, the most obvious being the picture window:

I enjoyed the natural light and view of the outside. However, surprisingly, I wouldn’t book an oceanview over an interior again. What?!?! Why, you ask? Because this cabin was considerably smaller, had less storage, and had a large chair instead of a full-sized sofa. I also didn’t care for the placement of the window over the bed.

Now don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad cabin (is there even such a thing?) and it worked just fine for mom and me, but I paid more for it and, on balance, feel like I got less.
One more thing to note. Most of the picture window oceanview cabins on the Sun are located on deck 7 forward. Also located on deck 7 forward? The youth and teen clubs. If you’re sensitive to noice and easily annoyed by obnoxious spawn (I can only call them that because I have one), I’d avoid these cabins. However, I will say that it made me extra thankful to be cruising with just my mom who doesn’t run or yell, let alone do those two things at the same time while dripping ice cream down her shirt. And with that…
Class Dismissed!
Homework (10 points): Read my full review of the Norwegian Sun and share your thoughts on the ship or ask any questions you may have in the comments. And be sure to follow Prof. Cruise on your favorite social media sites:
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