35 Tips For Your Cruise To Hawaii On NCL’s Pride Of America

Aloooooooha! Having just returned from my fourth visit to Hawaii, second cruise to Hawaii, and first cruise to Hawaii aboard the Pride of America (POA), I have compiled my 35 best tips to help you plan for your POA cruise, maximize your time onboard, and fully experience each Hawaiian port. Thirty-five because I just celebrated my 35th birthday (in the spirit of full disclosure, I stopped counting 7 years ago)!
Tips For Before Your Cruise On The Pride Of America
1. Understand What Makes The Pride Of America Unique

Sailing on the Pride of America will be an experience nearly as “unique” as sharing a table with Prof. Cruise (that’s me!) in the main dining room: wow, she’s weird (I am) and smells like she forgot deodorant (without fail).
So what makes the Pride of America so weird, I mean, “unique?” As the only American flagged ocean cruise ship, you’ll notice three major differences between the Pride of America and other ships that sail to/from Hawaii. First, the Passenger Vessel Services Act does not apply to American registered ships, so the Pride of America isn’t required to stop at a foreign port. All other cruises to/from Hawaii will call in a foreign port (usually Canada or Mexico), adding on many sea days and at least one non-Hawaiian stop to their itinerary (not a bad thing in my mind, but a significant difference). If you only have one week off work and want to cruise Hawaii or don’t like sea days, the Pride of America is your only option.
Second, because the Pride of America has to abide by all American labor laws, the majority of crew members will be Americans, unlike other cruise ships that employ mostly foreign workers.
And the third difference, directly related to the second, is cost. You’ll likely pay a much higher per night cruise fare on the Pride of America than other ships that sail to/from Hawaii. Pride of America crew members are paid more, enjoy labor protections foreign workers do not, and turnover is higher, leading to increased cruise fares. Our total 7-night fare on the Pride of America was nearly double what we paid for a 15-night sailing on the Grand Princess round-trip to Hawaii from San Fransisco. In fact, it was our most expensive vacation ever (factoring in the expense of getting to and from Honolulu by air).
2. Consider The Implications Of Such A Port Heavy Itinerary
Unlike most cruise itineraries that include a mix of port and sea days, every day on the Pride of America is a port day. The ship even remains docked at port in Maui and Kaua’i overnight and travel between ports mostly takes place after dark. You may have heard the Pride of America described as a “floating hotel” for that reason. Hawaii, not the ship or the sea, will be the main attraction for most.
As such, you won’t do much lounging around the ship in your robe with a cocktail in one hand and a soft serve cone in the other, turning the pages of your book with an elbow.
You also won’t have as much time to enjoy your stateroom, drink and dining packages, the spa, and other ship activities. Take that into consideration when deciding what to book – for example, we opted out of bidding to upgrade to a suite from our balcony cabin knowing we wouldn’t do much more than sleep in it. We elected to stick with a less expensive cabin and spend more on excursions.
3. Price Shop

My regular readers (hi mom and gigi!) may have been surprised to learn that we sprung for a balcony cabin on the Pride of America – we normally book the cheapest cabin category available, allowing us to cruise more often. However, the significant expense involved in getting to and from Honolulu makes booking the Pride of America unique.
At the time we booked, NCL offered free airfare (note that there are significant downsides to booking NCL EZ air, but that’s a topic for another time), gratuities, and transfers for those booked in a balcony category or higher. After pricing out an inside cabin and paying for flights, transportation, and gratuities on our own, it actually ended up being significantly cheaper to book the package, including the balcony cabin, through NCL. It may be for you too – price shop!
4. Book A Port Side Balcony

In the event that you end up booking a balcony cabin, be sure to choose one on the port (left) side of the ship. On the last day of your cruise, you’ll spend the early evening cruising along the spectacular Nāpali coast of Kaua’i. While the captain will turn the ship around so that those on the starboard side can see it too, that will happen well into dinner hours. To see it first and in full sunlight, book port side!
5. Avoid Deck 8 Balcony Cabins

While on many ships, lifeboats are tucked away under balcony cabins, on the Pride of America they jut out from the side of the ship on deck 7 and are visible below most balcony cabins and especially those located directly above them on deck 8. While this isn’t a huge deal and you’ll still be able to enjoy your balcony if you end up booked in one, you will be able to see them as you’re looking down at the water and they will appear in many of the photos taken from your balcony. Book a higher deck if you can or far forward or aft (double check deck plans before you book).
6. Read A Hawaii Travel Book
I checked this highly rated one out from my local library and found it very helpful:

You can also purchase it on Amazon here. It was written by locals and will help you understand the unique history, culture, and topography of Hawaii and maximize your time in each port with suggestions of “can’t miss” attractions that appeal to a wide variety of interests.
7. Learn A Bit Of Hawaiian
While you certainly won’t need them to successfully navigate the islands – nearly everyone speaks English – learning a few words and phrases in Hawaiian will add to your experience and you’ll notice crew members and locals using many of these:
Aloha (pronounced a-lo-ha): hello, goodbye, and love
Mahalo (pronounced mah-hah-loh): thank you
‘A’ ole palikir (pronounced ah-oh-leh pee-lee-kee-yah): you’re welcome or no problem
A hui hou (pronounced ah-hoo-wee-ho-oo-uu): until we meet again
Howzit? (pronounced how-zit): how are you?
Waina (pronounced wy-nah): wine. Don’t confuse this one with the English slang word “wino” which is used in jest to describe my mother-in-law who will be embarking on her own Hawaiian cruise soon. This one’s for you, Gigi!
‘Ono grinds (pronounced oh-no grinds): delicious eats.
8. Pack Wisely
Don’t forget to pack these essentials for your cruise to Hawaii on the Pride of America:
Binoculars: you’ll appreciate having a good pair of binoculars for your shore excursions and for your scenic cruise along the Nāpali coast. I have these and love them – they’re compact and inexpensive. I got them for Alaska, but they worked great in Hawaii too.
A quality camera: gorgeous photo opportunities are everywhere in Hawaii! Invest in a good camera to use in addition to your phone. Here’s a great starter camera for travelers (I have it and love it):
Reef safe sunscreen: be sure your sunscreen is reef safe – it’s the law in Hawaii! Here’s a list of reef safe sunscreens available on Amazon.
Bug repellant: I forgot my bug repellant wipes and returned to Seattle with dozens of itchy bumps to prove it! I prefer the wipes to spray because they’re easy to pack and apply.
Extra outlets: the number of outlets in Pride of America cabins is extremely limited. If you have multiple devises you want to charge at once, consider bringing a cruise approved power strip like this one:
Cheese: I mean, matching Hawaiian outfits! I promise, no one is laughing behind your back. Yes they are. But who cares, you look adorable!
9. Fly To Honolulu The Day Before

Do as I say, not as I do. My teaching/travel assistant and son, “H,” would point to “don’t eat so much sugar” and “brush your hair” as examples of this for which I am admittedly guilty. “Fly to Honolulu the day before your cruise” would be another. Due to work obligations, we couldn’t fly to Honolulu until the day of sail away and our flights, booked by NCL’s EZ air, didn’t have us arriving into Honolulu until 2:30 in the afternoon.
While I normally love planning a cruise almost as much as the cruise itself, my regular pre-cruise excitement was tainted with worry that we’d miss the boat. If you do elect to fly in the day of, be sure to buy travel insurance that will cover the cost of any possible delays. I always use this site to compare plans and rates. I’d advise against booking insurance through the cruise lines – it will be costlier and may not cover everything you need.
10. Consider Purchasing A Lei At The Airport, They No Longer Provide Them At The Cruise Terminal

Pre-covid women would receive a free fresh flower lei at the cruise terminal and men would receive or a shell lei. Now everyone will receive a shell lei. If you want to begin your vacation with a beautiful fresh flower lei, you can usually pick one up at the airport. You’ll may also have the opportunity to make a lei later in the cruise (I’ll get to that shortly).
Pride Of America Ship Tips
11. Fish On Hallway Carpets Swim Toward The Front Of The Ship

Look closely at the above photo and spot the tiny red fish swimming in the wrong direction near where the carpet transitions to a different pattern. That would be me. Lost. Thankfully, the fish on the carpet on the Pride of America will point you in the right direction. They swim toward the front of the ship.
12. Relax On The Sun Decks

The photo above may cause introverts to run, hyperventilating, to the nearest paper bag (I’m breathing into one right now!). If you prefer a more private and serene place to relax, hit the sun decks above the Lido for comfortable and more secluded lounging options.

13. Pick Up A Beach Towel At The Beach Shop Or As You Exit The Ship

Beach towels will not be provided in your cabin or freely available on loungers like you may be used to on other lines and ships. Instead, they must be borrowed (by providing your state room number to ensure you return them – your account will be charged if you don’t) at either the Beach Shop (located midship on deck 11, right next to Dolce Gelato) or as you exit the ship on port days.
14. Walk Or Jog On The Promenade Deck

One of my very favorite things to do on a cruise is to walk the promenade deck while listening to an audio book and stalking wildlife. And, if allowed, I’ll also jog out there early in the morning to justify the 45,000 calories I consume in an average cruise day. Like minded poʻe (people) will be thrilled with the expansive promenade deck wrapping all the way around deck 6 on the Pride of America. Just be sure to walk in the right direction. I didn’t notice the tiny arrows on the wall (I told you, I’m that red fish!) and got cussed out by an aggressive power walker for going the wrong way. E kala mai (sorry)!
15. Arrive 15 Minutes Early To Theater Shows To Score A Good Seat

This is important on nights at sea when the shows are more widely attended and prime seats fill up fast. When staying overnight at a port, shows and restaurants will be less crowded as many passengers will choose to eat and recreate off the ship.
16. Smoke At The Waikiki Bar

Or avoid the Waikiki bar on deck 13 aft if you’re sensitive to cigarette smoke or just think it smells worse than dog farts (I’m currently opening windows in my apartment thanks to Henry, my rescue mutt, and wishing I was at the Waikiki Bar even though I don’t smoke, but that’s just me). This is the only designated smoking area on the ship.
17. Don’t Look For The Casino

You’ll waste your whole vacation seeking something that doesn’t exist, like me on my never ending quest for a career that allows me to cruise for free. Because gambling is illegal in Hawaii, the Pride of America doesn’t have a casino. There’s always the claw machine in the arcade though or you can place bets among your friends on how many free hot dogs you can eat at the Key West Grill on deck 12. #loopholes
18. Attend Enrichment Programs Hosted By Your Hawaii Ambassador

A variety of enrichment lectures, activities, and crafts will be hosted by the ship’s Hawaii ambassador, a local resident of the islands. We particularly enjoyed the flower lei making class, offered for free, that included plentiful and beautiful fresh flowers. We each made one and used them to decorate our cabin for the remainder of our voyage. Their lovely smell almost masked the stench of my gym clothes. Almost.
19. Double Check Your Final Bill

We found a mistake on our final bill – we were charged for several drinks that should have been included in the Hawaii Beverage Package. No biggie, I called guest services and they refunded our credit card. But double check your own bill for errors. It actually pays to do this every few days (you can view it on the TV in your cabin) or even daily as lines and waits for guest services can be longer toward the end of the cruise.
Dining And Drinking Tips For The Pride Of America
20. Consider The Value Of The Hawaii Beverage Package

As I mentioned earlier, due to the port heavy itinerary, it may not be worth paying the service charges to receive the Hawaii Beverage Package as a perk and definitely wouldn’t be worth it for most people to purchase it outright. But depending on how much you plan on drinking, this is something to consider.
The Hawaii Beverage Package includes most alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (including boxed water which is nice to have for port days) up to $15 (and you’ll just pay the difference for any drinks over $15). Note that you will pay tax on the retail price of each drink while at port in Hawaii. Most of the items on the bill I have posted above are tax charges on our drinks.
You can take a look at the bar menus here to get an idea of the drink prices so you can weigh the package versus an à la carte approach. We did elect to receive the Hawaii Beverage Package as one of our “free” perks and believe we got our money’s worth. But not everyone will with so little time spent on the ship.
21. Understand How To Get Free Espresso Drinks With The Hawaii Beverage Package
The Hawaii Beverage Package generally does NOT include espresso coffee drinks, such as those on the menu at the John Adams Coffee Bar:

However, there are a few exceptions to this. First, you CAN order a from a limited selection of espresso drinks (espressos, double espressos, lattes, and cappuccinos) while dining in the restaurants and they WILL be covered under the Hawaii Beverage Package. For breakfast, I’d recommend a double shot of espresso paired with a shot of Bailey’s. Start the day off right!

You can also order an Irish coffee (I like to add a shot of Bailey’s to mine) or an espresso martini – both of these ARE covered under the Hawaii Beverage Package. However, note that the espresso martini is currently priced at $18, so you will have to pay the $4 extra above the $15 covered by the package. Try at least one of these though, they’re amazing!

22. Try The Free Alternative Restaurants

In addition to the buffet and main dining rooms, there are three additional complimentary restaurants worth trying at least once: Key West Bar and Grill, Cadillac Diner, and East Meets West. Key West Bar and Grill is a small buffet style grill on deck 12 offering burgers, hot dogs, fries, and salads. Both the Cadillac Diner (American classics) and East Meets West (Asian) are small, sit down restaurants and can get crowded at popular times. I recommend going at off times, like in the afternoon on a port day for the Cadillac Diner and early evening on the first night of the cruise for East Meets West. The menus for both can be found here.
23. Eat Breakfast In The Dining Room To Avoid Buffet Crowds

The Aloha Cafe (buffet) on the Pride of America was very crowded during breakfast hours as everyone was trying to grab a quick bite before heading out to port. For a more relaxing experience (and better food, in my opinion), eat breakfast in the Skyline dining room. There was never a wait to be seated and service was fast. You can preview the breakfast menu here.
24. Order The Pound Cake French Toast

I was happy to see three daily breakfast specials on the menu in the Skyline Dining Room on the Pride of America (this hasn’t been the case on some of the other smaller NCL ships I’ve sailed). And I was thrilled (and drooling) when I saw the pound cake french toast, my all-time favorite breakfast item on NCL, as a one of the specials. I’d dine at Skyline every day just so you don’t miss it. Trust me, it’s that good!
25. Book A Luau Instead Of A Specialty Restaurant

Because Hawaii is the main attraction on this cruise, I would encourage you to sample local Hawaiian ‘ono grinds (delicious food) by eating some of your meals in port, perhaps skipping the specialty restaurants on the ship if cost is a concern. And I especially recommend booking a luau. You can book the popular Luau Kalamaku through the ship, but I suggest you to shop around to get a better price. Here are some options available through Viator.
26. Reserve Specialty Restaurants Early

If you do decide to dine at a specialty restaurant, be sure to book your preferred time early as the popular times fill up fast. You can book certain restaurants before you sail by going to your reservation online or you can book via the reservations desk (right next to guest services on deck 5 midship), via the NCL app, or by placing a call to reservations from your stateroom after you board.
27. Don’t Miss The Puddings Behind The Dessert Station In The Buffet

While I’m the last person (or dog for that matter) you should come to for fashion advice (the average Fido strutting the streets of Seattle or riding in a designer purse is better dressed than I am), I’m the premier expert when it comes to dessert. And I consider the bread and rice puddings available in the buffet on the Pride of America some of the very best at sea. I particularly love the chocolate chip bread pudding (covered in caramel sauce and vanilla soft serve) and the honey rice pudding.
They’re easy to miss though, hidden on a counter behind the dessert station and next to one of the soft serve machines. You’re welcome – I was tempted to keep this one to myself.
28. Choose The Main Dining Room (MDR) For Dinner That Best Fits Your Style

The Pride of America has two main dining rooms open for dinner (both of these are included at no extra charge in your cruise fare): the Skyline restaurant (deck 5 aft) and the Liberty restaurant (deck 6 aft). While their menus are identical, the decor and dress code will be different. For cruise casual attire (where shorts and T-shirts are common and acceptable), dine at the Skyline Restaurant. If you prefer a more elegant dining experience, opt for the Liberty Restaurant which requires a collared shirt for men and does not allow shorts.
29. Make A Reservation For Dinner In Your Chosen Main Dining Room
While you can show up at either of the main dining rooms (Liberty or Skyline) for dinner at any time during operating hours without a reservation and wait in line to be seated, I’d strongly recommend making a reservation. The line for those without a reservation can be long and there’s a separate podium and hostess for those with a reservation. I always felt a little guilty bypassing the huge line as the reservations hostess walked us right in to be seated. But I overcompensated for my guilt by childishly taunting my fellow passengers: neener, neener, neener!
30. Order Multiple Items In The Main Dining Room
Portions in the main dining rooms can be small for Prof. Cruise, Mr. Cruise, and others with big appetites. Thankfully, you can order as many items as you want! On one night none of the entree selections appealed to Mr. Cruise, but he liked the sound of all the appetizers. So he ordered them all! Be sure to specify to wait staff if you want them brought out one at a time or all together. And consider offering them an extra tip for the effort it takes to bring out all those dishes!

I always bring along a pack of these cruise staff thank you cards and pass them out with cash inside to anyone who has made my vacation extra special (I gave out a lot of these in the Skyline Restaurant on the Pride of America – service was fast and excellent!).
31. Get A Nightly Crepe From The Buffet

Even if you’ve already eaten multiple desserts from the restaurant, there’s always room for a made-to-order crepe. Hit the buffet during dinner hours each night so you can try all the delicious combinations. Or just order the Nutella and fresh cream for seven consecutive days like I did.
Port And Excursion Tips For Your Hawaii Cruise On The Pride Of America
32. Book Private Excursions

Cruise line excursions are expensive and sometimes feel crowded and rushed. However, many cruise passengers are nervous about booking tours or exploring ports on their own for fear of missing the ship and becoming an unwilling youtube star as they desperately flail around on land, “wait, wait!,” before jumping into the sea as a last ditch attempt to rescue their vacation (the biggest incentive to book cruise line excursions is that they guarantee to either hold the ship for you or transport you on their dime to the next port in the event of a late return).
But if ever there were a time to skip the expensive ship excursions and book tours through private local companies or venture out and explore on your own, it’s this cruise! Why? Because you’ll be staying overnight at two ports – Maui and Kaua’i. So if you book tours or explore on your own via a rental car or public transportation, you don’t need to worry about what time you get back to the ship – the gangway will stay open all night and into the next day. Here are my top shore excursion picks for Maui and Kaua’i offered by Viator (owned by Trip Advisor).
33. Pick Up Tender Tickets For Kona Near Guest Services Beginning At 6:30am

Kona is a tender port, meaning the ship will anchor out in the open ocean and you’ll need to board a smaller boat to ferry you to shore. To avoid thousands of people lining up at once, you’ll need a tender ticket with an assigned time (unless your latitudes level is Gold or above in which case your ship card will serve as your tender ticket and you can line up whenever you want or if you’re booked on a ship excursion in which case your excursion ticket will serve as your tender ticket).
In order to get the time you want, you’ll want to pick up your tender ticket as soon as they start offering them at 6:30am at a table near the Guest Services desk. I’d even suggest arriving a bit before 6:30am as a line will begin to form between 6-6:15am.
34. Save Money In Kaua’i And Kona
If you have limited funds for port activities and are not comfortable renting a car, prioritize booking excursions and tours in Maui and Hilo as there is nothing to do near the cruise terminals at those ports. Go here for my top recommendations for shore excursions in Maui and here for my top recommendations for shore excursions in Hilo.
In both Kaua’i and Kona there are free or inexpensive things to do within walking distance of the ship (or near Kailua Pier where your tender boat will deliver you, in the case of Kona).

Go here for my recommendations for things to do near the terminal in Kaua’i.
For Kona I recommend snorkeling (or just relaxing) at Kamakahonu Beach and checking out the Kamakahonu National Historic Landmark (both located right next to Kailua Pier where your tender boat will drop you), shopping or dining along Ali’i Dr, and visiting historical sights such as Hulihe‘e Palace and Mokuaikaua Church. All of these suggestions are a very short walk from your tender boat. If you feel like venturing out a bit further, you can catch a $2 (cash only and the driver cannot make change) open-air trolley that will take you around town. View a printable schedule of stops here.
35. Look For Rainbows

I think I saw more rainbows on this trip than in all of my prior 35 (+7) years of life. And if you’re lucky, you’ll find the Pride of America at the end of one! Better than a pot of gold if you ask me – because I’d just use it to buy a cruise anyway!

And with that…
Mahalo for reading. A hui hou!
Class Dismissed.
Don’t forget to PIN this post so you can refer back to it later!
Homework (10 points): Check out my Hawaii port posts, preview all the restaurant, bar, and room service menus on the Pride of America, see my review and ship tour of the Pride of America, and read my Guide to the Hawaii Beverage Package.
And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog (scroll up to the top right if using a computer or just keep scrolling down if you’re on a mobile device) and follow Prof. Cruise on social media:
Hey, I can’t get the links to pull up your tour recommendations for the islands. It just links to the generic Viator site. Would love to see what your recommendations were! Thank you!
A great read as we are thinking of booking Hawaii for 2022 as we have 3 cruise coming up before that. Your article has so much good useful info.
A great read as we are thinking of booking Hawaii for 2022 as we have 3 cruise coming up before that. Your article has so much good useful info.
The date you published this post we were actually ON the Pride. It was the most expensive vacation ever, but worth every penny for the once in a lifetime trip. Sure enjoyed reliving our trip thru your blog!!